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Lauren Richardson

Graphics           Art 


My Work


Topper Budget - Application to help students with budgeting

This application was created in a UX design class with a couple of my classmates. We had to create a user-friendly application made for social good. In the early stages, my classmates and I created a survey to ask students on our campus about their financial situation in college. The answers given through our survey showed us that many of our classmates did not understand the importance of budgeting. This project was treated like we were going to present it to the school's board and so we worked on it very diligently. One of my groupmates and I were the UX designers so we collaborated with our project manager on the design elements of our application as well as wireframing on Figma with the information our manager gave us through her research.

Affordable Tuition Movement- Social Design Movement

For this project, I chose a movement to create propaganda for. I chose the movement for affordable college tuition to lessen student debt. During this process, I researched current movements regarding this issue and pulled inspiration from the design elements to create my own. I designed a sticker, two buttons, T-shirts, posters, a banner and a picket sign to be used at marches.

Love Myself Stickers and Posters

For the “I Love Myself” sticker and posters, I was inspired by the K-Pop band BTS and their Love Myself campaign. I wanted to expand on that but anchor my concept to teenagers. I chose the color purple because it represents power, ambition, dignity, and pride. Women, especially young women in our society nowadays are pressured by media to look a certain way, so I decided to incorporate silhouettes of women with a variety of body types surrounded by roses which symbolize beauty and courage. I wanted to make everything elegant and then add in the abrupt and bold “screw it” to draw attention to anyone who looks at these posters or stickers that they are beautiful the way they are.

Morse TypeFace- Typography Practice

For this typography project, the purpose was to create a new type based on a quote, which can be seen on the first set of posters. For my type, I blended art with science which came to the Morse Type. I was inspired by morse code and stippling art, so I worked to create a typeface that incorporated both. Once I created the typeface on a website, I exported it into my fonts in Adobe Illustrator and worked with the letters to create abstract art.

Here are some of my best pieces of studio art. I am skilled in the use of acrylic paints, charcoal, watercolors, and colored pencils.

Internship Work

Internship Work

During my internship with the Austin Film Festival, I was able to practice my design work by creating social media posts, stickers, assisting in designing tickets, and posters.

2022 Labor Day Sale.png

Social media posts made using Canva and Adobe Illustrator.


Women in Cinema at University of Texas social media group post. Made using Canva.

Screen Shot 2022-10-22 at 9.51.44 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-10-22 at 9.52.02 PM.png
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Stickers for contestants at the festival. Made using Adobe Illustrator.

2022 Advance Ticket Front.png
Comp_Fimmaker_Ticket_2022_Front (1).png

Tickets made in Adobe Illustrator.

1-800-HOT-NITE copy.png
Moon Garden (1) copy.png

Film posters made in Canva.

Studio Artwork

In high school and my first couple of years in college, I created studio art. Through these pieces, I utilize my skills in colored pencils, pastels, charcoal, and acrylic and watercolor paints.

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